Privacy Policy

The Manor Hall at Coalpit Heath CIO Privacy Notice

The Manor Hall CIO is committed to ensuring the data we process and hold relating to those who hire the hall is kept safe and only utilised as necessary. The Manor Hall does not use personal information, nor pass details on individuals to other organisations, for marketing purposes. Within this Privacy policy is detailed information on when and why we collect personal information, how we use it, the limited conditions under which we may disclose it to others and how we keep it secure.

The Manor Hall does not monitor guest Wifi usage in any way.

The Manor Hall monitors the usage of its website; the data collected from usage of the website is based on analysis of website traffic and hits. The Manor Hall does not monitor or collect any personal data from users of the website.

The information you provide on your hirer’s form will be processed as necessary for the booking of the hall. Any information passed to a third party (e.g. accountants) will not include personal details such as addresses and contact details.  

We will retain your details for the duration of the hire agreement and for the necessary duration of the audit process, then your details will be securely disposed of.

You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to

This notice will be reviewed annually (May 2022)